LOC-PRO Steel Structures (Zambia)

Our Employees:

We believe that our employees develop a commitment to excellence when they are directly involved in the management of their areas of responsibility. This team effort maximizes quality results, minimises costs and allows our employees the opportunity to have authorship and integrity in their accomplishments, as well as sharing in the financial rewards of their individual and team efforts. We believe in hiring above-average people who are willing to work for excellent results. In exchange, we are committed to the development of our good people by identifying, cultivating, training, rewarding, retaining and promoting those individuals who are committed to moving our organization forward.





Individual Reward:

We recognize each person's contribution that flow from high performance. We recognize also that rewards must be psychological as well as financial and strive for an atmosphere where each individual can share the adventure and excitement of working at Loc-Pro.


Good Management:
The attitude of managers towards their people are of primary importance. Employees should be able to trust the motives and integrity of their supervisors. It is responsibility of management to create a productive environment where Loc-Pro values flourish.

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